They are the young-at-heart, often silver-haired or secretly coloured, parishioners who upon joining PAMSPEC adopt the vision mission of “knowing and serving God” to enrich their faith and knowledge of God and to love, share and care for each other.

Monthly Meetings: Many are often found behind closed doors in Dewan Hsiong every 2nd Thursday of the month from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Gathering is for members and guests of members. Others are welcome but they pay extra.

Serving God: Some may be slow and not as strong but they are HRC’s pearls of wisdom and backbone; working hard, often preferring to do things their way, achieving small and big things, all with great love.

Holiday Trips a.k.a. Pilgrimages: Some eyes may be dim but all are expected to be vision-driven. Then, they are frequently on some trip near or far happily sightseeing. They have the parish priest with them for more of God’s protection, prayers -on-the-go and proclaim to have his permission to eat meat on Fridays. We know….

Eating Well: They may spill coffee on the table but can certainly eat more than those half their age; then insist on paying half the price. How do we not look away?

Keeping Fit: Some, their steps may be faltering but when it comes to dancing, they are Fred and Freda Astaires.

Celebrations: Always celebrating and counting blessings, be it Chinese New Year, Easter, Christmas, honouring Mother Mary or birthdays…. bringing back memories, telling stories again and again, forgetting the number, just enjoying the company and remembering the peace, joy and happiness.

Their motto disguised in the vision mission: Live life to the hilt. Pray, play, eat and love.

For more information contact :




03-2274 2747


03-2274 4747

10, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470, Kuala Lumpur


TUES - FRI  9.30 am - 4.00 pm

SAT - SUN  9.30 am - 12.30 pm

Copyright © 2025 Church of the Holy Rosary. All Rights Reserved.